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Rental Owners Association

Lane County

Rental Owners Association (ROA) in Lane County

consists of over 1,200 landlords and property managers with over 20,000 rental units!

Landlords and/or Business Owners

Become a member today!
Click here to Join Now!

July 2024: An Important Message from Tia Politi, Lane ROA President

Eugene Rental Housing Code

I hope you landlords subject to the Eugene Rental Housing Code read last months’ article and found time to take one of the two classes offered on the subject; if not, remember you can purchase the video link online at

Spread the word - get $20 off your next membership renewal

Just for referring members to Lane ROA! If they join and give us your name, you will get $20 off your next renewal. I talk with new members every week who have made bad mistakes that could get them sued. Just yesterday I spoke with new members who had no idea you couldn’t terminate tenancy for no cause after the first year; who didn’t know that a veteran’s disclosure must be included as part of any notice of termination to a renter; who served an illegal notice of termination that could make them liable for three months’ rent plus the tenant’s actual damages.

And for those of you subject to the Eugene Rental Housing Code, the perils are even greater. One missed notice can mean penalties of five months’ rent plus actual damages.

Ignorance is costly. I hear from some landlords who object to the cost of membership and my head just wants to pop right off! Education beats ignorance every time and remember board members for both Lane ROA and the Oregon Rental Housing Association (ORHA) depend on your memberships to keep our organizations going. We volunteer our time to help you stay abreast of the law changes and keep you informed so that your rental business will be a success.  Don’t forget that classes, books, forms and your annual dues, and more, are tax deductible. 


Another part of what we do through ORHA is lobby legislators and encourage them to moderate some of the extreme parts of what the radical tenant advocates are proposing. The ORH Key-PAC committee provides campaign contributions based on donations we receive to support the candidacy of legislators who will vote to not drive real estate investors out of Oregon. I encourage you to donate today.

It’s a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for most of us. You can donate up to $50 if filing singly, or $100 if filing jointly, and claim a dollar-for-dollar tax credit meaning you pay nothing for helping the cause. Of course, you can donate more as well. Hope you’ll consider it as a regular part of your annual giving plan. Visit to donate.

July & August news: Be sure to register for our July 25th webinar general meeting.  As always, I will be conducting a live help session for landlords, so if you need questions answered, I’m there for you!

 ROA will not be holding any workshops in July, August and December, so get ready for September!
Our next general meeting will be in-person on the 26th of September, so mark your calendars and I’ll see you then.  

Happy Independence Day to you all!

Party Decor Happy 4th Of July ...      Party Decor Happy 4th Of July ...   Party Decor Happy 4th Of July ...   Party Decor Happy 4th Of July ...   Party Decor Happy 4th Of July ...   Party Decor Happy 4th Of July ...  

June 2024: An Important Message from
Tia Politi, Lane ROA President

Eugene Rental Housing Code Update
More than six months after the passage of phase II of the code, the Eugene City Manager has finally published the interpretive rules. I hope that you Eugene landlords participated in the landlord survey by the office of the Eugene Rental Housing Code. It’s important to let legislators know the impact of their decisions. Certainly, I have heard anecdotal reports of landlords in Eugene selling due to the new restrictions, but it takes real data to show the impacts. Not that it will do any good in driving policy…

Please read my article on the Eugene Rental Housing Code Phases I & II, and thanks to Housing Navigator Amy Cameron for proofing my work to ensure accuracy, it is much appreciated. Say what you will about the nonsense of the code, it’s here and we must deal with it, and at least they put an intelligent, pleasant, helpful woman at the helm to assist both landlords and tenants with compliance. Thanks, Amy!

I am teaching a class on the updated rules on Tuesday, June 11th. Join me as we take on the complexity of the new rules. It’s so important to do things just right or you may face exorbitant penalties for noncompliance:  fines by the city for noncompliance and in the case of messing up relocation fee requirements, five months’ rent plus actual damages, yikes.

Beware of cyber-attacks
I got a call on the Helpline from a local property manager who was the victim of a cyber attack that has so far cost her more than $20,000 to fix. Due to this problem, she learned about cyber insurance. I had never heard of this type of insurance, and it sounds like if you’re a property manager it would be a good thing to have.

Class scheduling change
Due to low attendance in classes during the month of July, the board has decided to add July to the months when we don’t teach, but remember, you can always buy recordings of the latest classes from   You’ll find classes such as The Move-in Process (Are you making the $6,000 mistake?), Move-out Process, Tenant Non-compliance & Tenancy Termination, Tenant Screening, Best Practices for Landlords, Trial Prep 101, The Eviction Process, Small Claims – getting paid!, and Landlord Boot Camp Sessions 1 through 4!  Each of the 2-hour classes are only $25 for members!

Renter Protections Phases - Ordinance AIS

Phase 1 of Eugene's New Housing Ordinance PASSED
Signed July 13th and went into effect August 13th, 2022
Click on this link to read Phase 1: Phase 1 - City Council Ordinance Passed 7-13-22

Phase 2 of Eugene's New Housing Ordinance PASSED

Click on this link to read about Phase 2: Mind your Business - Eugene Code Regulations phase II

Annual Rent Increase Percentage – Oregon Rent Increase Information for 2024

Housing Providers (Landlords, Owners, Property Managers),

Senate Bill 611 was signed into law on July 06, 2023. This bill will cap rent increases at 10% or 7% plus CPI (whichever is lower) - The exemption for new constructions remains at 15 years.

The maximum allowable rent increase percentage for the 2024 calendar year is 10% or 7% plus CPI (whichever is lower) – The allowable annual rent increase in 2024 is 10.0%. Only one rent increase may be issued in any 12-month period.

The allowable rent increase percentage for the previous year, 2023, was 14.6% if the increase was issued before July 6th, or 10.0% if issued after July 6th. 

Attention Eugene Landlords...
Phase 2 of Eugene’s renter protection ordinance goes into effect on August 25th, 2023, so if you intend and are eligible to issue a 30-day ‘no cause’ termination notice, a 30-day notice of non-renewal [both within the first year of occupancy] or a 90-day termination notice for qualifying landlord reason and can issue that notice before 8/25/23, you won’t have to pay the city’s relocation assistance required by that new ordinance (if you own 4+ units, you’ll still have to pay one month’s rent with your 90-day notice). From 8/25 on, be prepared to pay relocation assistance equal to two months’ rent.

Oregon Senate Bill 611:
Effective Immediately, New Restrictions on Rent Increases

On July 6, 2023 Governor Kotek signed Senate Bill 611,
which enacts the following restrictions on rent increases:

·    Housing Providers may only raise rent once in any 12-month period.

·    Unless an exemption applies, rent increases may not exceed the LESSER
 OF EITHER: 10% OR 7% plus the published Consumer Price Index (CPI).

·    If a Housing Provider terminates a tenancy without cause in the first year
of occupancy, the maximum amount of rent that may be assessed to the
subsequent renter in that unit may not exceed the maximum amount the
Housing Provider could have charged the terminated tenancy.

Because this is an emergency measure, all rent increase notices issued on or after July 6, 2023 must comply with these new rules.
SB 611 expressly does not apply to rent increases that were sent prior to it being signed into law by the Governor.
Please contact your ROA Member Helpline if you have any questions regarding any of these changes.

Working on Your TAXES???

94.8% of your
2023 ROA Regular Membership Dues
ARE Tax Deductible!

A portion of your ROA 'Regular' Membership Dues
are sent to ORHA to support Lobbying on YOUR behalf
through the Oregon Rental Housing Association (ORHA)

 – ORHA Form T14 –
Abandoned Property Notice – Deceased Sole Tenant
** New Address for the Oregon State Treasury **

There is a new address for the Oregon State Treasury – When dealing with unclaimed property,
you will now direct all abandoned property/deceased sole tenant forms
and unclaimed tenant funds to the new Oregon State Treasury address: 

867 Hawthorne Ave. SE
Salem, OR 97301

This new address will soon be updated on ORHA Form T14 | Abandoned Property Notice – Deceased Sole Tenant.
Please be sure to double check the address on any T14 forms revised prior to April of 2023.

For more details, please view the Oregon State Treasury Website.


Members and Non-members can purchase blank hard copies of ORHA forms
at the Lane ROA office (4217 Main St, Suite E, Springfield, OR)

Members and Non-members can purchase forms ONLINE
at the Forms Store through ORHA at
 ~ then click on the Forms Store tab
Note: Lane ROA Members, your discount code to purchase online ORHA forms at a discount is always listed on page 4 in each bulletin.

ATTENTION:  ORHA has a new numbering system
Please read:  ORHA New Numbers Explained

The City of Eugene

Unit Condition Form:

 The Tenant Education Information Form you’re required to distribute can be found at:

 The Rental History Form you’re required to give can be found at:

For more information visit

Find more information about the Renter Protections Process on this webpage:

To be included in the Renter Protection interested parties email list, please email


The Housing Choice
Landlord Guarantee Program?

This Program Can Reimburse the Landlord for:

Damage Mitigation up to $5,000!!!
Unpaid rent and utilities for which the tenant was responsible
Late fees or lease-break fees (does not include the costs of eviction)
Property damage that exceeds normal wear and tear
And more!

How to Apply?

Landlords must submit an application, with all supporting documentation, to Oregon Housing and Community Services
after a tenant has vacated and within one year following the later date that

a) the tenancy terminates;

b) the landlord obtains possession of the dwelling unit; or

c) payment from the Housing Choice Voucher Program to the landlord terminate

Questions about the program?  Please contact,

Ph: 1-800-453-5511 (choose option 8) or follow the link below

READ: Proposed Protections and Landlord Requirements:

 Eugene Implementation

Find out who your legislator is and write to them!

Senate Bill 891 - Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP)
OR Emergency Rental Assist Fund FAQs_SB891_OERAP

Rental Owners Association
4217 Main St Unit E
Springfield OR 97478

Donate to the ORH Key-PAC today!

Remember Lane ROA in your Estate Planning.
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